The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v0.11 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

RabbitMQ binding spec

Detailed documentation on the RabbitMQ binding component

Setup Dapr component

kind: Component
  name: <NAME>
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  type: bindings.rabbitmq
  version: v1
  - name: queueName
    value: queue1
  - name: host
    value: amqp://[username][:password]@host.domain[:port]
  - name: durable
    value: true
  - name: deleteWhenUnused
    value: false
  - name: ttlInSeconds
    value: 60
  - name: prefetchCount
    value: 0
  • queueName is the RabbitMQ queue name.
  • host is the RabbitMQ host address.
  • durable tells RabbitMQ to persist message in storage.
  • deleteWhenUnused enables or disables auto-delete.
  • ttlInSeconds is an optional parameter to set the default message time to live at RabbitMQ queue level. If this parameter is omitted, messages won’t expire, continuing to exist on the queue until processed.
  • prefetchCount is an optional parameter to set the Channel Prefetch Setting (QoS). If this parameter is omiited, QoS would set value to 0 as no limit.

Specifying a time to live on message level

Time to live can be defined on queue level (as illustrated above) or at the message level. The value defined at message level overwrites any value set at queue level.

To set time to live at message level use the metadata section in the request body during the binding invocation.

The field name is ttlInSeconds.


curl -X POST http://localhost:3500/v1.0/bindings/myRabbitMQ \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
        "data": {
          "message": "Hi"
        "metadata": {
          "ttlInSeconds": "60"
        "operation": "create"

Output Binding Supported Operations

  • create
Last modified July 7, 2022: update nav bar v0.11 (#2633) (b309d3d)