The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v0.11 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Azure Service Bus

Detailed documentation on the Azure Service Bus pubsub component

Setup Azure Service Bus

Follow the instructions here on setting up Azure Service Bus Topics.

Create a Dapr component

The next step is to create a Dapr component for Azure Service Bus.

Create the following YAML file named azuresb.yaml:

kind: Component
  name: <NAME>
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  version: v1
  - name: connectionString
  - name: timeoutInSec
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-TIMEOUT-IN-SEC> # Optional. Default: "60". Timeout for sending messages and management operations.
  - name: handlerTimeoutInSec
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-HANDLER-TIMEOUT-IN-SEC> # Optional. Default: "60". Timeout for invoking app handler.
  - name: disableEntityManagement
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-DISABLE-ENTITY-MANAGEMENT> # Optional. Default: false. When set to true, topics and subscriptions do not get created automatically.
  - name: maxDeliveryCount
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-MAX-DELIVERY-COUNT> # Optional. Defines the number of attempts the server will make to deliver a message.
  - name: lockDurationInSec
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-LOCK-DURATION-IN-SEC> # Optional. Defines the length in seconds that a message will be locked for before expiring.
  - name: lockRenewalInSec
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-LOCK-RENEWAL-IN-SEC> # Optional. Default: "20". Defines the frequency at which buffered message locks will be renewed.
  - name: maxActiveMessages
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-MAX-ACTIVE-MESSAGES> # Optional. Default: "10000". Defines the maximum number of messages to be buffered or processing at once.
  - name: maxActiveMessagesRecoveryInSec
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-MAX-ACTIVE-MESSAGES-RECOVERY-IN-SEC> # Optional. Default: "2". Defines the number of seconds to wait once the maximum active message limit is reached.
  - name: maxConcurrentHandlers
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-MAX-CONCURRENT-HANDLERS> # Optional. Defines the maximum number of concurrent message handlers
  - name: prefetchCount
    value: <REPLACE-WITH-PREFETCH-COUNT> # Optional. Defines the number of prefetched messages (use for high throughput / low latency scenarios)
  - name: defaultMessageTimeToLiveInSec
  - name: autoDeleteOnIdleInSec

NOTE: The above settings are shared across all topics that use this component.

Apply the configuration

Visit this guide for instructions on configuring pub/sub components.

Last modified July 7, 2022: update nav bar v0.11 (#2633) (b309d3d)